E-learner´s handbook
General information
The e-learner’s handbook gives you an overview of using the e-learning possibilities at the University of Tartu.
E-learning is teaching and learning conducted either fully or partly by means digital technology. During studies at the University of Tartu, you may encounter to the following e-learning options:
- e-courses in the Moodle learning environment https://moodle.ut.ee
- e-learning materials at Sisu@UT https://sisu.ut.ee, on the courses website of the UT Institute of Computer Science https://courses.cs.ut.ee and the UT Institute of Mathematics and Statistics https://courses.ms.ut.ee
- audio and/or video conferences in Moodle, BBB https://button.ut.ee, Teams or Zoom
- audio and/or video lectures in Moodle, Panopto https://panopto.ut.ee, on the University of Tartu Television https://uttv.ee, YouTube
- MOOCs – massive open online courses https://moocs.ut.ee. Check with the academic affairs specialist or RPL adviser of your institute (https://ut.ee/en/content/rpl-advisers) if you can transfer credits from a MOOC to your studies through the RPL procedure.

You can enter the UT e-learning environments with the username and password of the UT computer network (the same you use to enter the study information system SIS).
To enter the Moodle learning environment, use your account in the UT computer network (click OpenID) and enter the username in the format username@ut.ee. You can change the password for your account if you enter https://parool.ut.ee using your ID card.
UT students can enter the e-learning environments using their UT computer network account.
What tools do you need for e-learning?
In order to use the e-learning platforms or applications of the University of Tartu, it is usually sufficient if you have an internet-connected computer and a web browser. Most of the e-learning environments can also be used in a mobile smart device. A microphone, earphones and a webcam are needed for video communication, webinars or practical classes, and groupwork. To watch and listen to video lectures, it is sufficient to have earphones or speakers.
You can use most e-learning environments in a mobile smart device.
Where can you store your files?
All students of the University of Tartu have a OneDrive account associated with their username. This service can be used both in the web browser (e.g. Mozilla Firefox or Chrome) and in an application installed in your computer. All computers with the Windows 10 operating system have OneDrive pre-installed already.
In Mac computers, you will get it when you install the O365 solution or separately OneDrive.
See instructions: https://wiki.ut.ee/display/AA/Microsoft+OneDrive
Where can you get help?
- If you have forgotten your username and/or password of the UT computer network, call IT helpdesk 737 5500 or email arvutiabi@ut.ee.
- About problems concerning content and assessment of e-courses and learning, contact the teaching staff of your course.
- In case of technical problems related to using the e-learning platforms, contact the instructional designer of your faculty (see https://ut.ee/en/academic-developers-instructional-designers) or email eope@ut.ee.
- You can find information on various e-learning topics on the UT website at https://ut.ee/en/e-learning-possibilities.
- Useful information in student newsletter at https://newsletter.ut.ee/useful-information.
Compilers of the handbook
The e-learner’s handbook was compiled by Instructional Designer Triin Marandi, and Senior Specialist for Educational Technology, Lehti Pilt, both from the Lifelong Learning Centre of the UT Office of Academic Affairs. The chapter on copyrights was written with the help of the UT Legal Adviser in Matters of Intellectual Property, Reet Adamsoo, and the chapter on data protection was created in consultation with the UT Senior Specialist of Data Protection, Terje Mäesalu.
2020, 2025