E-learner´s handbook
Online exams and online pass-fail evaluations
Online exams and online pass-fail evaluations can be oral, written or combined.
Online exams and online pass-fail evaluations can be oral, written or combined. The lecturer of the course will send you detailed requirements. Written online exams/evaluations may take place as a Moodle test or assignment, for instance. As a rule, the lecturer defines the date and time for the exam/evaluation to open and the time limit for submitting the answers after the start of the exam.
Usually, the lecturer determines the number of questions to be asked in a test and the particular questions will be randomly chosen by Moodle from among the questions created for the exam. The questions may require writing free text or selecting the right answers from among multiple choices.
Submitting work as an assignment means writing your answer as a web text or uploading the required file by the deadline.
SEB prevents using other programs and forbidden key combinations during the test.
In Moodle, SEB (Safe Exam Browser) can be used for tests. SEB prevents using other programs and forbidden key combinations during the test. For that, you need to use a computer with a Mac or Windows operation system and Google Chrome as the web browser. First, you need to install SEB in your computer (make sure to select the right version, either for Windows or Mac): https://safeexambrowser.org/download_en.html. If you need, watch the instruction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEXZcj4G58g). Before the exam, you will receive the SEB file you can use to open the specific test under the conditions set by the lecturer.
A combined online exam means that a videoconferencing application (e.g. BBB, MS Teams, Zoom) is used in parallel with the written test or assignment (to see the exam attempt in real time) or at an oral exam. When using a videoconferencing application, make sure that your computer has a camera, microphone and speakers, it can be plugged in during the exam, if necessary, and preferably uses a wired internet connection. You may not be allowed to use headphones. With prior notice and if necessary, the video conference is recorded (you will be asked for a written approval). The recordings will be stored in the university’s server and deleted by the end of the academic year at the latest.
If necessary, the lecturer may ask you to prove your identity and to do a 360-degree scan of the room.
If necessary, the lecturer may ask you to prove your identity. For that, you must have a photo ID document to show to the camera. Also, you may be asked to use your camera to do a 360-degree scan of the room in which you are taking the exam.
In some cases, the lecturer may ask you to record your exam or evaluation yourself by using Panopto or another similar application (that records the camera image and what is happening on the computer screen) and upload the file of the recording to the university’s server (Panopto, UT OneDrive or ownCloud, using the UT user account). The recordings will be deleted by the end of the academic year at the latest.
Before the beginning of the exam or evaluation, you may be asked to agree to the integrity statement.
Before the beginning of the exam or evaluation, you may be asked to agree to the integrity statement. It can be something like this: By taking the exam, I undertake to avoid any kind of academic fraud, which, as stated in the Study Regulations, includes the following: in an assessment of learning outcomes, the use of any materials that the lecturer has not explicitly permitted the students to use, illicit sharing of knowledge (e.g. prompting, copying other student’s work, etc.) by students participating in an assessment of learning outcomes, participating in an assessment of learning outcomes for another student.
Before the exam/evaluation, make sure that
- your computer is plugged in or the battery is sufficiently charged
- you have all the required programs in your computer
- the computer’s camera, microphone and speakers function (if videoconferencing is used)
- the computer is using a wired internet connection (a Wi-Fi connection can be patchy)
- you are alone in the room during the entire exam/evaluation
- the room has good lighting (daylight, general lighting)
- you are sitting at a desk and the surrounding surfaces do not have any forbidden aids such as books, notes, calculator, other computers, additional monitors, headphones (including earbuds), phone
- your ears are visible (you must not wear a hat and long hair must be tied back)
- everything visible to your camera is suitable for others to see
During the exam/evaluation, you are not allowed to
- use forbidden aids;
- leave the full screen of your (laptop) computer (to open other websites or programs);
- turn off or cover your camera.
As a rule, the examinee is not allowed to move from his or her seat or exit the room. The phone may only be used to notify about technical malfunctions.
BBB: https://sisu.ut.ee/juhendid/bbb-0
Teams: https://wiki.ut.ee/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=90693829
Zoom: https://wiki.ut.ee/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=90695802
See more
Study Regulations: https://ut.ee/en/content/study-instructions-and-guidelines
Contacts and support
If you have technical issues or questions, contact the instructional designer of your faculty (see https://ut.ee/en/academic-developers-instructional-designers) or send an email to eope@ut.ee. Regarding the content and organisation of the course, contact the lecturer of the course.