E-learner´s handbook

Webinars and practical classes

Webinars and online practical classes are usually held as video conferences in BBB, Teams or Zoom. 

Webinars and online practical classes are usually held as video conferences in an environment selected and set up by the teaching staff – in BBB, Teams or Zoom. Detailed instructions about the environment, how to enter and the rules are given to you by the lecturer of the course. The lecturer determines what you can do in the video conference environment, e.g. switch on your microphone and webcam, share your slides, use the whiteboard or the chatroom, conduct surveys. 

In addition to an internet-connected computer you need a webcam, microphone and earphones or speakers to participate in a webinar or online practical class. It is recommended that your computer is connected to power and has wired internet connection during the webinar. If necessary, and if notified, the webinar or practical class may be recorded. The recordings are retained on the university’s server and are deleted at the end of the semester, unless otherwise agreed. In order to transmit or publish a recording your written consent is asked. 

Before the beginning of the webinar/practical class, ensure that 

  • your computer is connected to power or the battery is sufficiently charged 
  • all the necessary programs have been installed in the computer 
  • the webcam/microphone/earphones or speakers are in good working order 
  • the computer has wired internet connection because wireless may be interrupted 
  • there are no other people or distractions in the room during the webinar 
  • the room is well lit (daylight, overhead lighting) 
  • the everything your webcam shows (you, the desktop, room, etc.) is tidy and presentable 

If possible, test the environment of the webinar or practical class, and if you need to make a presentation at a webinar, rehearse the presentation to make sure there will be no setbacks and you can present within the prescribed time limits. 

To ensure that the webinar is successful, 

  • don’t be late for the webinar or practical class 
  •  introduce yourself, if necessary 
  • prepare for the webinar: do all assignments or read the compulsory literature, prepare a presentation 
  • if you need to share files with others (for example, the presentation), save the files in pdf format – this way you can be sure that the formatting is unchanged 
  • think what questions may arise during the webinar and how to answer 
  • be active during the webinar and present your positions, supporting them with reasoned arguments  
  • listen to others’ opinions 
  • do not interfere when others speak – one person should speak at a time 
  • when you are in a listener’s role, mute your microphone and, if the lecturer asks you to do so, switch off your webcam 


Contact and help 

In case of technical problems and questions, please contact the instructional designer of your faculty (see https://ut.ee/en/academic-developers-instructional-designers) or eope@ut.ee. The lecturer of the course can help with problems related to the content and organisation of the course. 

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