E-learner`s handbook

Online defences

Online defences are held as a video conference in an environment chosen and configured by the defence committee. 

Online defences are held as a video conference in an environment chosen and configured by the defence committee: BigBlueButton (BBB), MS Teams or Zoom. Before the defence, you will receive an email with detailed instructions about the environment, access and the procedure rules. 

The online defence can be either public or closed for the public. In the first case, everyone can access the defence using the shared web address. If the defence is closed for the public, only the defendants, reviewers, supervisors, members of the defence committee and people who have been explicitly given access participate in the defence. Depending on the situation, the defendant and the members of the committee may be in one room and all others participate by videoconferencing. 

For the online defence, you will need a computer connected to the internet, web camera, microphone and speakers. It is good to have the option of plugging in the computer and using a wired internet connection during the defence, if necessary. With prior notice and if necessary, the defence may be recorded (you will be asked for a written approval). The recordings will be stored in the university’s server and deleted by the end of the academic year at the latest. Your written consent will also be required for transmitting or publishing the recording. 

Before the defence, make sure that 

  • your computer is plugged in or the battery is sufficiently charged 
  • you have all the required programs in your computer 
  • the computer’s camera, microphone and speakers function 
  • the computer is using a wired internet connection (a Wi-Fi connection can be patchy) 
  • during the entire defence, no one in the room could interfere with the defence 
  • the room has good lighting (daylight, general lighting) 
  • everything visible to your camera (yourself, the desk, the background, etc.) is suitable for others to see 

Prepare the slides for the presentation and save them as .pdf. That way you can be sure that the slides remain unchanged in all environments. If possible, test the environment of the online defence and practice the defence to make sure it goes smoothly and you stay within the time limit. Mute your microphone during the time you are only listening. 


Online defence in BBB:  https://sisu.ut.ee/juhendid/bbb–instructions-users

Teams: https://wiki.ut.ee/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=90693829 

Zoom: https://wiki.ut.ee/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=90695802 

Contacts and support 

If you have technical issues or questions, contact the instructional designer of your faculty (see https://ut.ee/en/academic-developers-instructional-designers) or send an email to eope@ut.ee. In matters of content, contact your supervisor or the chair of the defence committee.