E-learner´s handbook

Creating and conducting surveys in LimeSurvey

LimeSurvey is at https://survey.ut.ee

LimeSurvey is an environment for creating web-based questionnaires and conducting surveys for assignments, theses or projects. LimeSurvey allows using five main question types (single-choice questions, arrays, mask questions, text questions and multiple-choice questions), with several subtypes under each of them. In total, there are 29 different question types. The collected responses can be seen in the response summary of LimeSurvey and they can be exported to Excel, SPSS or VV. You can add other LimeSurvey users (after they have logged on to LimeSurvey at least once) as viewers or editors of your survey. The number of questionnaires, questions and responses is not limited. 

Employees and students of the University of Tartu can log in using the username and password of the UT computer network. The user account is only required for creating a questionnaire. Everyone who knows the address of the questionnaire or has been sent the questionnaire by email can reply. 

See more 

An example of a questionnaire: https://survey.ut.ee/index.php/58422 


LimeSurvey: https://sisu.ut.ee/juhendid/limesurvey-0 and http://manual.limesurvey.org/ 

Contacts and support 

If you have technical issues or questions, contact the instructional designer of your faculty (see https://ut.ee/en/academic-developers-instructional-designers) or send an email to eope@ut.ee. In matters of content, contact your supervisor or the lecturer of the course. 

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